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1949 Wayfarer Project

May 3rd 2017, I been looking at older mopars, I always had the 1960's and early 70's muscle cars. I really like the business man's coup one day thought I would check craigslist and found this car.  Although I was in Greece at the time, had my office staff call and find out if it were real or not so I bought it. Unfortunately he was not so quite honest about the car I bought it.  Not sure if it runs yet, I only have pictures because I am still in Greece until June 6th.  So it been only three  days it been sitting at the house and waiting for me to come home.  Not sure if motor is good or bad, i hear there are no breaks, not sure to keep the same motor type, later dodge motor like 360, or what to do.  








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  • Album created by Sixpakrob
  • Updated
  • 12 images

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