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1948 Dodge resto/rat rod project

I purchased this 1948 Pilot from a gent in northern Montana and had it shipped to my home in Long Beach, CA. While the VIN reflects a '48, it has a later front grill and the bed is from a late '70s Dodge Warlock. My intention is to install the body upon a 2011 Nissan Armada which I purchased as a salvage rollover. I intend to fuse the classic looks of the Dodge along with the modern power, safety and creature comforts of the Nissan. I also love the concept of "rat rods", so I intend to creatively "re-purpose" unrelated parts for amusement. I will periodically update the photos as my work progress. To date I have stripped the Armada down to the frame and drive train, I have installed the air bag suspension on the Armada, as well as lower profile tires such that I can soon begin test fitting the Dodge body to the Armada. Having fun! Thanks for looking. Marc

  • Album created by marc49dodge
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