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ok, starting to put things back TOGETHER tomorrow. I have a question tho, my friend who is helping REALLY wants me to replace the reaf diff mounting bolts on the rear axle housing. I'll be getting a couple from a member here to replace several damaged ones I have. But he insists I should replace all of them w/ new. I'm a firm believer if it ain't broke.....

For the fun question: if I were to replace them, where to buy them? I have had NO luck finding any online anywhere....


I'm at a loss here. Exactly which bolts are you talking about. 1 ton axle, right? Axle to spring? Those can be made at a spring shop. Other? Pic?


Studs for the axle housing that hold in the center section? I would no way replace any that aren't obviously damaged. They used better bolts back then than most of what you can buy now.

I'm at a loss here. Exactly which bolts are you talking about. 1 ton axle, right? Axle to spring? Those can be made at a spring shop. Other? Pic?

Sorry, might be using the wrong terms here, but the differetial gear set/housing bolts to the rear axle housing via studs that live in the rear axle housing. They are 7/16-14 into the housing and 7/16-20 for nuts/lock washers to hold the gear set housing on.

Does that make sense now?


don't fix anything that works..there is really no need to change these unless they refuse to torque to specs..being of a sepcified size, grade and thread count..the torque can be set generically, these specs can be found online on a torque chart or in about any repair manual these specs are given per bolt size/grade


If you replace any of the this hardware, use nothing less than grade 5 in nuts, bolts, studs and washers. The grade number indicates its strength. A grade 5 is stronger than grade 2.


thanks guys, using the existing studs. Plan on heading to Tractor Supply for some grade 8 bolts for the rest of the project (as was my intent).

Pictures soon of parts back together!


The thought just occurred to me that you might want to check with ARP. They provide a lot of studs, fasteners for high perf engines and GM uses a lot of 7/16 on their SB.....?

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