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#2524 Timing Chain Cover

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Item #2524 Used timing chain cover with pointer for timing marks used on 218 or 230 cubic inch flatheads.

Mopar Group Number: 9-23-5
Mopar factory number: 1122 448, Cover, Chain Case w/Timing Indicator


About #2524 Timing Chain Cover

Item #2524 Used timing chain cover with pointer for timing marks used on 218 or 230 cubic inch flatheads.

Mopar Group Number: 9-23-5
Mopar factory number: 1122 448, Cover, Chain Case w/Timing Indicator

Shipping Options

Shipping options and prices may vary depending on the total value of your order. Your final shipping price will be determined at checkout.

Options shown are based on your estimated location.

  • $98.37 - USPS Priority Mail International
  • $110.73 - USPS Express Mail International
  • $328.61 - UPS Express
  • $290.82 - UPS Expedited
  • $377.51 - UPS Express Plus
  • $316.18 - UPS U P S Saver
  • $390.77 - FedEx I N T E R N A T I O N A L _ F I R S T (7 days)
  • $287.89 - FedEx F E D E X _ I N T E R N A T I O N A L _ P R I O R I T Y _ E X P R E S S (7 days)
  • $275.17 - FedEx F E D E X _ I N T E R N A T I O N A L _ P R I O R I T Y (7 days)
  • $246.62 - FedEx I N T E R N A T I O N A L _ E C O N O M Y (9 days)
  • $254.42 - FedEx F E D E X _ I N T E R N A T I O N A L _ C O N N E C T _ P L U S (9 days)

Shipping Size

  • Size
    12 in × 12 in × 6 in
  • Weight
    6.61 lb

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