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  • Gender
  • Location
    Andover, UK
  • Interests
    Cars, Tiki, Music
  • My Project Cars
    1950 Dodge Wayfarer

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  • Biography
    Tiki freak
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  1. Thanks RB1949
  2. Sorry this is my topic but somehow I have logged in under 'Lost Password'. Still interested in a solution to my electric wiper question though.
  3. Thanks all. She's back now (not the best photo), but I went plain black stock wheels and spiders.
  4. Thanks Robin. Because of the clips on the wheels and the way the hub nut is raised I was unsure what would fit. I guess the best thing to do is to try some.
  5. Sorry if this has already been asked but I can’t see anything on it. On my 1950 Dodge Wayfarer I currently have stock running gear, wheels and hubcaps. I’m going to keep the stock wheels, but I wondered if you have any suggestions for any cool looking hubcaps or wheel trims. The wheels have clips on them to hold the factory hubcaps on, and the hub nuts sit quite proud, so I’m not sure if that would limit my choices. And could someone advise how I measure the bolt pattern, I'm not too sure? Or advise me of the standard bolt pattern on a Wayfarer. Thanks Sorry I forgot to say that I am lowering the car a couple of inches all round.
  6. Thanks, any recommendations on a modern diff?
  7. I've got a 1950 Wayfarer with Fluid Drive, so I don't trust the original hand brake. What is the best way to upgrade the brakes on here so I have a proper parking brake?
  8. Looks and sounds killer. Great work guys.
  9. Thanks all. I think I may have located a 49 Wayfarer axle in Florida, so I'm currently trying to tie that down and arrange shipping. If it falls through, I'll be onto French lake Auto Parts.
  10. Hi, I am still struggling to get a pair of rear brake drums/hubs for my 1950 Dodge Wayfarer. I had an idea and wondered if it was crazy or not. Is it possible to covert the front brakes to discs and then convert the front brake drums to use on the rear? Any ideas?
  11. Cheers Don
  12. Cheers Bel666, I'll give him a try. Failing that I'm really struggling to get these parts. Does anyone know of an easy axle swap? Or failing that does anyone want to buy a 1950 Wayfarer?
  13. Hi, I'm still struggling to get some replacement hubs/drums. I guess an axle swap may be the way to go, unless anyone else has any great ideas?
  14. Thanks for the advice. I bought the car a couple of months ago from the garage that imported it. They told me that they checked out the brakes, and replaced the front flexi hoses and shoes. And sure enough they had fixed the front, so I believed them but obviously they neglected the rear. Good life lesson!
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