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Frank Elder

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Everything posted by Frank Elder

  1. Down under got brass water distribution tubes also, we got stuck with steel here!
  2. I was 2 busy looking at the yellow shirt, where's the chevy?
  3. I don't know how to mend clothes, but I ain't a gonna quit wearin' em!
  4. Thank you Donald!
  5. Embrace the rivit grasshopper, You know it do grow on you after a while!
  6. May we have the radio forum address?
  7. Still would be nice to have a toggle or ignition switch to interupt pwr while working on said radio, instead of messing with the battery posts for disconnect.
  8. Couldn't you use an ignition switch, not sure how you would ground the radio.
  9. All right I thought it might have been tractor oriented, modine is a radiator company then ?
  10. My hero, Young Ed!
  11. The thread said that he purchased a 1941 block originally it was cracked and 218. Is his newer block a 230 then?
  12. This model is specific to fluid drive only. I have no idea if there is a "jiffy kit".
  13. $1.49 tonite, I guess we can't make up our minds around here.
  14. Serial no. on block looked like it started with P26, what year would that be.You were right Greg that is a good thread.
  15. Rolliejoe, while you are DA'ing off the letters I think you will find a big WHITE surprise underneath. Rubber is white and dyed tire black. You can make your own WWW's if you have a steady hand.
  16. Was that the kind that was in "The Shining!"?
  17. 46-48 fluid drive uses that carb,BXVD-3, it is near the driver's side mounting bolt cast into the carb. I don't know if your year was updated or not, someone else?
  18. Does your car have Fluid Drive? It might be a stromberg BXVD-3.
  19. Went from $1.39 back up to $1.54 over the weekend, guess the big oil boys aren't done padding their pockets yet.
  20. Same with me Bob, but then I took it home and used it for a pattern using a thicker gasket material I already had in the garage.
  21. Shucks, I don't have that package. Any big ole land yachts? Or just go fasters?
  22. my favorite is the 1868, you find it.
  23. Holding steady at -10 in omaha:eek: Makes me want to go outside and lick a flagpole!
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