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Frank Elder

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Everything posted by Frank Elder

  1. Could we see a before and after, pleeeeeeese:D !
  2. I have the bypass filter, I guess, it doesn't look like the full flow filters dandy Don has posted, thanks by the way Don. Is it a throw away then replace the entire cannister or can it be opened and a new filter put in? 230-47-Dodge.
  3. It was a common practice in the olden days when a person could not find or afford the cartridge. :eek: Maybe the engine would run "smoother" with the TP with lanolin...lol!
  4. Well put, it is much easier done with 2 than 1, Esmey said she could hear my yosemite sam imitation all the way in the living room. So wasn't I surprised when she came outside in her gardening duds to lend a hand. She's a good wrencher and more patient than I!
  5. Day after christmas, 5:15 central, 38, expected to reach 52 and sunny... then back to winter. I,m just glad to have had a snowy christmas eve & day, took the grandkids sledding yesterday, sore today!
  6. Merry Christmas all! Uncle-Pekka, where did you procur front bumper guards?
  7. Then Esmey, the wife, has been holding Festivus for nigh on 30 year. I wish she would go on to the next step!
  8. In south Texas your "Mattresses" fly! Actually I'm talking about turkey buzzards, they always have to get one more bite before they take off, sometimes they are too heavy and will deal out some serious damage to your car! PS horns don't phase them, they think you are another predator trying to steal a meal.
  9. Thank you guys.
  10. Looks good Paul.
  11. Our stock tank have no baffles, right? So why not experiment, pull your sending unit and bend the arm a little so it will go lower as the fluid level drops, go in increments until your gas gauge reads empty, then reinstall your unit. Of course maybe your gauge is "pegged out" at an 1/8 and it has to be recalibrated.
  12. Does it help or hinder to add a 1 inch spacer to a STOCK intake manifold, are there hood clearance issues, will the stock linkage bind. Part 2, same questions.
  13. We're getting closer, I thought it was center.
  14. What effect would the spacer have on a stock manifold, good or bad? Besides raising it one inch higher in the air Don. Linkage bind? Air cleaner clearance?
  15. I am trying to find the measurement from drum face to drum face on a d-24. In the shop manual it says"Tread [except 7-passenger models].......57 in. Now I know that is not the drum face because of backspacing on the rim, does anyone know the backspace on a 16 rim or the actual measurement of the drums? Any input will be appreciated.
  16. Thank you, good site.
  17. Don't you have to be an actual combat vet, or haved served during war to get medical bennies? I served in the peace time navy and don't qualify for any benefits from the VA hospital. That is fine with me because I was never injured while I served, if I was I would be Receiving a monthly stipend from the navy. I am sure that then benefits would be there. Fly Navy!
  18. Frank, can you explain this kit and how it is applied? What did you "practice" on first?
  19. I bet James Curl would know that answer.
  20. That radiator looks a little out of place Mein Herr!
  21. WOW, once you get past the mustangs it gets interesting:D
  22. Let me make it up to you, get ready for a long Fall junkyard stroll in RI. All you have to do is click on cow52Dodge's posting on the pilot house forum and click on everything, some neat cars, even an odd-fire 6 Buick Wildcat and a F-85 station wagon! ENJOY, Frankie:o
  23. Neat cars, really like the cambridge!
  24. Nicest person delivers my paper also, never in the road always inside the fence, My battery isn't dead but snow in the yard sure keeps me from messing with it. I can't even reach the end of the driveway!
  25. How bad will the fallout be for Canada if they go under, it has to be a s#%t-pot full of jobs and disposable income just going away. Not that Canada isn't self-substainable in it's own right.
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