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Posts posted by 61farnham

  1. On 9/28/2024 at 1:13 AM, Tom Skinner said:

    Stop beating it with Hammers!

    I use a 1-1/4" Socket and a Long 1/2" Coaxing Bar (2-1/2 Feet Long). Right where the DOG Bone Fits on.

    Keep Stepping on it until it POPS. (Do Leave the Castle Nut on Loose)So the damn thing doesn't de-nut you or fly into the wall across the Garage

    Turn it little by little with your foot until BANG it gives way.


    PS. In this way maybe you don't Monk up the Axle Ends, beating on it (The Dog Bone)with a Hammer.

    It is more reliable as to when it will POP my way

    Here's my method 3/4" drive breaker bar and a subtle piece of pipe for extra leverage!!!


    gallery_5770_178_310089 (1).jpg

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  2. 32 minutes ago, Plymouthy Adams said:

    well, .008 is within factory specs..just at the upper end..you can ride as is..and monitor this and address should it change...or go the added step to reduce this now while you are working this issue.  The problem with many values and ideas expressed here is they do not reflect the values and standards of the engineers and it was well known, Chrysler aligned the company with the best engineers out there. Some folks just like to yell out, close enough and throw in the towel as it may be labor intensive.  

    Sound advice, appreciate your input.

  3. Finally got time to make some axle shims. Started with 0.045" and now got 0.030" of shims at each end giving me 0.008" of end play with new bearings. The book states 0.008" to 0.003" of end play with a preference for the lower value. In a post above James_Douglas said he set his axle end play at 0.010" to allow for heat from highway speeds, my  question is is it ok to leave the end play at 0.008" or should I remove some shims to give a bit less end play. I've not tackled this job before so any advice is welcome.

    Regards to all.

  4. 22 hours ago, JerseyHarold said:

    Could a local shop reline the emergency brake band?  Might be cheaper and quicker than dealing with mail order.

    I recently had my spare E-brake band relined here in the U.K. when I had my brake shoes relined, cost me £25.00 for the E-brake band which is around $30.00 to you much cheaper than buying a new one. My Plymouth service manual states a lining thickness of 5/32".

  5. 10 minutes ago, Plymouthy Adams said:

    by typing piston 954808 onto e-bay search you would have found these in a split second...

    Typed that into Google and came up with nothing useful, I'll remember eBay next time. Thanks for your input.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Plymouthy Adams said:

    mic the bore......

    Thanks, yes plan to down the line when I get deeper in to it.


    I've just pulled the head and was hoping someone has an answer to satisfy my curiosity.


    Regards...  Simon.


  7. Hi all, 


    Just brought a replacement engine for my  P15 Plymouth and I'm trying to establish what size the piston's are from the part no .stamped on them which is DPCD 954808 W and a heart shape.  I can't find any reference to it on the net but have found the following - 

    954800 - standard

    954802 - .005 oversize

    954805-  .020 oversize

    but I can't find any info for any larger sizes.

    It's a P15 block and I've got a P15 parts book but it lists different no's for the pistons.


    Anyone shed any light on it.

    2021-07-15 15.13.56 (2).jpg

  8. That no.'s not listed but I've just cross referenced the '42-'48 no. with my P15 parts book and realised that the no's quoted in the Hollander are for the complete steering box assembly, the housing body has a separate part no. not sure which one is stamped on the housing. As usual with old cars it's not straight forward.

  9. Is there a part no. on the box? 

    According to the Hollander Plymouth used different boxes for the following years -

    '37-'38 Mopar no.     667206

    '39         "          "        691320

    '40                              854134

    '41                               867826  

    '42-48                        953369

  10. This is timely as I'm just starting to look into what's required to rebuild the steering box on my '48 P15, according to my newly acquired Hollander manual the bearings no's for your '38 box should be -

    upper - Timken 5BC/6A

    lower - Timken 5BC/6C


    It list's the Ford  '38-'48 bearings as - 

    upper - Timken 5BC/6

    lower - Timken 5BC/6C

    what the difference is between the 6 and 6A upper cup is I don't know.


    Annoyingly the Hollander doesn't list seals but if have the parts book or the original mopar part no. for the seal you should be able to cross reference it to an up to date number using the link below -



    Below are couple shots of the Hollander showing bearing no's and key.


    Hope this helps.


    Regards...  Simon.





    2020-12-31 11.56.09-3.jpg


    2020-12-31 13.17.15.jpg

    2020-12-31 13.18.12.jpg

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