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Everything posted by P15-D24

  1. For your very generous forum donation. These donation help keep the site online and your help is really appreciated. Thank you, GT
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  2. Pretty sure the dark stripe is also a woodgrain. I have to dig around in my reference info to get the wood type.
  3. Wonder why center carb isn't hooked up? No fuel line. Also anyone know what the brass angle fitting coming out of the base of the carbs?
  4. Can't use the stick on flat weights?
  5. Just run a tube and flap, can even use a radial with the correct setup. Stockton Wheels make modern replacements, but they are pretty pricey. lot more than tubes and flaps.
  6. Under your username (upper right hand corner) go to "My Attachments". Find the image you want to delete, then click on the link to the thread (on the right). The thread will open, click on "Edit" at the end of post, and you can delete the image.
  7. For his very generous forum donation!. These donations help keep the lights on and also allow me to add additional features to the site. Thank you again, JB! GT
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  8. Pressure bleeding is the only way to go. Start with the longest line first (right rear). It your brake system is sound you should complete the job in 2 passes, 3 at the most. If that doesn't work start looking for a problem, like a leaking wheel cylinder, or cracked brake line. Soft pedal means air is getting in somewhere and until you find the source you just wasting brake fluid trying to bleed the system. I strongly recommend anyone getting a new car to do a full brake overhaul, including wheel cylinders, lines, shoes, master and turning the drums. If you don't drive the car a lot switch to Dot 5 fluid. Do that at the start you will have years of trouble free and safe brake operation.
  9. Make sure you have cookies enabled for the site. You can always use the breadcrumbs at the top of the thread.
  10. It's a flasher relay on the bottom, but I believe the item on the top was to make it click louder so you would hear it clicking.
  11. That seems high, but let me check with my ISP for their extra disk space costs.
  12. Willing to pay for it? Even thought online storage costs have gone down dramatically over the years, it still has a cost I end up paying. I could create a package where you buy additional storage. And compared to something like photobucket with it's invasive ads, plus clunky interface and sketchy performance I think our interface adds value.
  13. Well welcome home and back on the forum. Just focus on your recovery and get stronger!
  14. IPS (the forum software vendors) has announced the feature set in their next major release 4.2. Take a look https://invisionpower.com/news/invision-community-42-r1030/ Let me know if you see something you would like implemented with the roll out later this year.
  15. If any of you feel this way please contact me directly at p15-d24.com and include the name of those involved.
  16. Unfortnately 4 or 5 individuals currently are generating 90-95% of the reported content to the mods. I usually just let them cool down for a day or two but this group keeps going back to old bad habits. I'm pretty patient but if this behavior continues the entire group will get the permanent boot, including accounts deleted and their ip addresses blocked from accessing the site. It takes two to tango ( or in this case 4-5) and we are about at the end of the dance. You know who you are and take this as your last and only warning.
  17. Looks like it works only with a specific mast, 904040.
  18. Never seen one! I don't see that part number in any of my parts books so I suspect it was a later year item (mid 50s?) that just happens to work with the earlier cowl antennas.
  19. The date on my book is Dec. 1948 and doesn't have 904 042 part number. Maybe they discontinued the roof mount later in the production run?
  20. The way I read it is the 50" refers to the length of the mast, and both are cowl mounts. My '46-'48 Dodge parts book doesn't mention the roof mount in the accessories section.
  21. I go by what's in the Part Book, and only cowl mounts are listed. I have never see a Skyway roof mount on a post war car, only prewar models.
  22. Stock location is left fender just in front of the windshield. Stock is retractable and the bottom is secured in the area. kick panel
  23. IPS's replacement recommendation is both buggy and expensive, based on comments from other webmaster on the support forum. At this time I don't plan on bringing it back.
  24. Apparently I missed the announcement that IPS has dropped it's chat service, effective May 1, 2017. Sorry for the last minute notice.
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