well after 7 hours, one broken off bolt, mistiming and forgetting a part...scratching heads and a few beers....
long story short:
started 1.5 hours later than I wanted, after waiting for my buddies to show up, we got to building the engine yesterday. Things progressed well until the timing. While bolting the cam in, the question was asked, what torque, I asked what size. Replied of 3/8, I reply 30ft-lbs....SNAP! Try 5/16" there kids and 17 ft-lbs! Easy out the broken off bolt and continue. When setting the cam timing my buddy timed it so the dot on the one gear was right by the mark on the other gear, (11 o'clock and 5 o'clock) not until after I had plowed thru my old pictures did I notice the marks should both be at about 11o'clock, not 11 and 5...so off comes the timing cover and moving parts around. Put cover back on....then notice the little shield the goes behind the pulley got forgotten to be put on, off comes the cover again. THEN sit and scratch heads over timing of the oil pump and the distributor...much looking thru books, and finally rednecking the concept of picking one and calling it #1 and dealing with it all later...so here's hoping we got it right, tonight I try and prep the engine for paint tomorrow to drop it in next weekend....
SO...now what did we do wrong guys?