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Everything posted by ggdad1951

  1. looks right and cost WAY less than the $35 and 3 weeks for mine!
  2. It's in great shape if you'd like it to be dry rotted and in two pieces!
  3. Pretty sure you can get one from VPW or Roberts if you can't get the one from the guy in Turkey. Just took about 3 weeks to get here from there is all. Good part and all that jazz.
  4. which mount? Shock mount I got from a trip out to French Lake. Front Mount damper from Ebay (the guy in Turkey). Funny thing was I was going to put the old one in till the new one showed up and as we were setting the engine the mail came and the box from Turkey was there!
  5. new bolts on and all sorta stuff done Saturday! BTW, I know the shock mount bolts on the front axle need to be switched forward....
  6. From the album: great grandpa

    engine, bell housing and tranny mounted to frame. Front axle mounted to front springs
  7. From the album: great grandpa

    ready for paint
  8. took mine off with a good OLD AMERICAN vise and a BFW with the closed end around the pin and spun. The ends spun right off that way!
  9. Ok put front springs on and gapped the shackles per the book but the ONE bottommed out on the bushing thus not allowing grease to flow past. So do I gap it one more thread to let gease past? This is the ONE bushing I had to replace. Also I assume the bushing get tightened down snug correct? Thanks guys!
  10. done and done. thanks
  11. I've kinda looked for where the club registration is and haven't found it readily....or I'm just blind (lazy)
  12. that is soooooo cool!
  13. on mine I ended up with one shim on one side and two on the other...just a spacing issue and wear issue IMO. My kit came w/ 4 or 6 shims.
  14. thanks for the offer, but I got some NOS from VPW ordered already.
  15. D-oH! Man I feel stupid! Of course PW would have them! Hmm with choices comes the possability of money savings! Odd I didn't find that head bolt thread when I searched for it, because I hate looking like an idiot asking too many obvious questions! THANKS!
  16. so you are sayin' it'll be easy to adjust mine while the body panels are still off?
  17. welcome, I've found this place to be a wealth of knowledge and good people!
  18. Young Ed informs me there are some chevy 350 head bolts that will work for the 218 engine anyone have an idea of year so I can get some?
  19. pretty sure that is the only way the oiler tube fits, and my memory says that is the way it got installed. Any idea which bolts penetrate the water jacket? Easy to pop them off and get some stuck on there, as we didn't.
  20. so to be clear you are agreeing that turning the crank one revolution will correct the issue?
  21. ok, think I may have figured the timing index issue. If we tore the engine down and took the picture of them both at 11 o'clock, we never checked the timing of the distributor. Now if the cam gear is 2X the crank gear, if I rotated the crank 360° that should line up the dots, and I'd be in time for the distributor? I'm going to try this with the old gears over lunch....
  22. ok this sucks... first off: Wagamon did the pistons for me so I'm cool with that end of the engine. Wagamon also "fit" the cam, but didn't bolt it in when they did the bearings. now as to timing: we put it back together as it came apart per the pictures I took during tear down. The picture Don put up is how we had it the first time we put it back together. DRRRR! Could we have pulled the engine apart with things a bit different?
  23. well after 7 hours, one broken off bolt, mistiming and forgetting a part...scratching heads and a few beers.... http://beerdarts.net/truck%20pictures/engine.jpg long story short: started 1.5 hours later than I wanted, after waiting for my buddies to show up, we got to building the engine yesterday. Things progressed well until the timing. While bolting the cam in, the question was asked, what torque, I asked what size. Replied of 3/8, I reply 30ft-lbs....SNAP! Try 5/16" there kids and 17 ft-lbs! Easy out the broken off bolt and continue. When setting the cam timing my buddy timed it so the dot on the one gear was right by the mark on the other gear, (11 o'clock and 5 o'clock) not until after I had plowed thru my old pictures did I notice the marks should both be at about 11o'clock, not 11 and 5...so off comes the timing cover and moving parts around. Put cover back on....then notice the little shield the goes behind the pulley got forgotten to be put on, off comes the cover again. THEN sit and scratch heads over timing of the oil pump and the distributor...much looking thru books, and finally rednecking the concept of picking one and calling it #1 and dealing with it all later...so here's hoping we got it right, tonight I try and prep the engine for paint tomorrow to drop it in next weekend.... SO...now what did we do wrong guys?
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