Success !!!! Yesterday I googled the name on a copy of an old bill of sale that came with the car dated 8/71. Two identical names with different phone numbers came up in Oshkosh,WI. I called the 1st number and an elderly woman(80 yrs) answered. I introduced myself and asked about the car. It turns out her parents bought the car new in Oshkosh and she remembers being allowed to drive it a little as a teenager. When I asked if she thought the car could really only have 35,000 miles on it She said "Oh yes, her parents put the car up on blocks during WW2 and after that only drove the car on weekends and short trips visiting relatives." She is going to wright me a little story about the car.
She then told me I should talk to her son because he owned the car from the mid 70's until now. She gave me his phone number and said it was OK to call him. I did and he verified everything she had told me. He's going to send me all the original sales receipts and is going to make me copies of the old photos he has of the car. YAHOO !