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Everything posted by PatS....

  1. Considering all the whining and b!itch!ng going on here before the games, they have turned out to be just the ticket for a long, cold winter. Yes, maybe your team didn't get Gold, but in the big scheme of things, this has been a friendly, good spirited event. OH, and congrats in advance to the US hockey team on their Silver Medal!!!
  2. I was speaking of my severely delayed 49 Chrysler. I pulled the front clip to replace the engine, do the brakes and suspension and some other work best done without the clip. Hopefully I'll get some progress this year. Before After Long way to go but will get there.
  3. I like to pull the front clip (fenders, grille in one piece). It gives you a chance to work easier without leaning over the fenders. It gives easy access to everything, it gives the opportunity to easily clean away a half century of caked on crud and pressure wash the exposed chassis. (maybe paint it as well?) You can also stand the front clip up and pressure wash the underside of it as well and maybe add some fresh paint there too. It's a great time to rebuild the front steering and suspension if it needs it. If the engine needs to come out again after that OR you don't feel like doing the other jobs as well, you can pull the engine easily without pulling the front clip. If you leave the trans bolted up, you'll need a mechanism for your engine hoist that will tilt the engine at a very steep angle. http://www.princessauto.com/shop-garage/repair-equipment/shopcrnes/engnestandacc/1580009-engine-leveller?keyword=engine+leveller
  4. The IOC is saying that because Canada and USA are so dominant in Womens Hockey that it may be dropped from the Olympics. I thought it was a pretty good series, the stands were full and everyone had a good time. For NHL hockey when a US team is playing we even sing along with that anthem a bit...it's a difficult song to sing though. Kate Smith was VERY popular here during the war...Canadians loved her.
  5. ECI has a bolt on...a few guys here have used it...seems pretty slick. This one belongs to a forum member but I've forgotten who...sorry.
  6. Inexpensive and versatile
  7. Located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada http://drive.to/stwheels I do not know him, have never done business with him. Not many steering wheel restorers out there so one more option.
  8. 90% of the time a heater core replacement is a bear of a job. I remember my 65 Pontiac Cattleliner, with AC...the darn fender had to be loosened off! I'm looking at the same job in a Dodge Caravan. Looks like it will get ugly. ;( Good luck with the F*rd!!
  9. The Olympics are not without controversy but all in all I think they are turning out just great. BC is one beautiful spot. My favourite place is the Okanagan Valley...Kelowna in particular. My home town put on the 1988 version and it was just a blast. Met lots of great folks from around the world and everyone had a smile... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYoTJItSPt0
  10. This old lady survived and was turned into a huge sports bar. The balcony, stage and lobby are intact as is the original sign outside. All they did major inside was level the floor. Originally opened in 1920 I think. I have a pic somewhere of opening day I'll post when I find it. I spent many a Saturday there watching such clasics as Matt Helm, Annette Funicello and best of all...Bullit. The street outside was turned into a pedestrian mall in the early 70's. Cars were allowed back just recently but just one lane each way and no parking. 1924 1956 Present day
  11. There is a company in Australia "restoring" steering wheels that can do that effect on a wheel. I cannot recall the name...it's very expensive but beautifully done.
  12. From my experience, I used to use the boulder all the time after the parking brake failed and the car was in the neighbors hedge.
  13. Welcome. There are three parts to "Fluid Drive" There is the "Fluid Coupler" which replaces the flywheel in a "normal" driveline...it looks like a torque converter but does not multiply torque. Bolted to that is a normal everyday clutch. THEN there is the transmission, which could be either a regular 3 speed manual shift transmission OR in your case, an M5 hydraulic shift two speed, two range transmission. The "Fluid Coupling is for the most part trouble-free even after 60+ years. Make sure it's full of fresh fluid and that's about it. The clutch is a regular clutch. They wear out but are still readily available. Then there is the M5. Same deal. Relatively trouble free. You need to have the correct wiring to the correct carburetor with the dashpot and kickdown switch. There is a governor, solenoid and interuptor switch on the transmission that need to be clean at the connections. Replacements are available. Usually they had little or no maintenance so if you do that maintenance they will basically run forever. They are slooww off the line, but very easy to drive. If you are so inclined, do the maintenance and see how you like it. Adapters are available for later manual and automatic transmissions if you don't like it. Good luck with it.
  14. Then another must be Lucy
  15. I don't see the remote for the dog! Weather in BC looks a might better than here in Calgary. We are a LLOONG way from green!!
  16. I guess I'm responsible for 2 of those hits. Just nothing there I really need at this point, sorry Don.
  17. A quick coat of paint does wonders for PR and costs very little. Just good business. Looking forward to your first start-up, Joe. I've got my fingers crossed for you!
  18. This is an American look at Canada by Tom Brokaw. Some things here even I didn't know. Well done, Tom... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYoTJItSPt0
  19. I was just thinking, maybe the kid DID get what he wants. If he has to work it off and dad has to be there, the kid gets time with dad, what he was venting about in the first place. Negative attention IS attention, right. Maybe the kid ain't so stupid...just desperate.
  20. Oh look!!! Metal filings in the pan of your transmission. That's gonna have to be rebuilt. $3500
  21. I think having him work it off is a good idea, but you should also take the opportunity to show the kid a few things about the old cars, have him turn a wrench or two, take him for a drive. Not forgetting to show him a work ethic as well. He's screaming for attention, and and to me it's a chance for you to make a difference in a kid's life. He's only 12, so it's a very impressionable time. He'll remember what you teach for a lifetime.
  22. Late 60's for me. Flower power and free love in Vancouver BC at 15...no certificate needed:eek:
  23. There! I fixed it, lets hit the road!
  24. Wasn't that I. P. Nightly?
  25. It's 34f here right now and that's a heat wave!! So, my birth certificate is my Universal Refrigerant Certificate!!! ;) OH...welcome back Don...your grumpiness was missed!!
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