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Everything posted by =PlyPals=

  1. If you guys want to see a P15 in Antwerp... Here's mine... (picture taken in a military fortress that was build in 1859 (for those who find this interesting ))
  2. I've tried my best. Took a photo of the clamp-part on the deflector. If the numbers on the inches aren't correct... I never trust my cellphone convertor again!
  3. Hey Bob, wow... thanks for the effort!! I'm also going to try to measure everything. Also posting a picture with measurements on it. (maybe other members one day will need those numbers too) Altough, I have to convert all... we're working with the metric-system. Thanks!
  4. Hey Bob! Thanks for the quick reply! your clamp is indeed a close one, compared to the one I need... I'll hold my breath for a few days longer... waiting for someone with the correct clamp. If it doesn't show up, I'm going to try duplicating yours! Thanks! Kurt PS: If you lay it under the scanner, please don't press to hard on the scanner's lid!!
  5. Hello to all, recently I bought a NOS Sinko Bi-flector. (see picture for the model) Unfortunatly, there was no clamp. Can anyone give me details on the measurements? Thanks in advance! Regards, Kurt
  6. I recently installed turn signals on my P15. I had a wiring diagram from the signal-kit. But al the colours were faded... & I didn't had the time or motivation to seek all the proper wires in the car. So I rewired the car with turn signal-wires. (just 4 wires... that's all) This was much easier and faster!! then off course, there is a lot of trial & error... but with a multi-meter (or how do you call it),you can find out which wire sends a left or right signal out. by the way, the flasher... is it a model with 2 or 3 connectors? However, I suffered from other "problems" after that... Just click the link: Flasher troubles -> click here. Hope this will help you! Regards, Kurt
  7. the rubber sills from Diran Yazejian are very nice! I used them on my p15 4door. Indeed without the hard backing. you just glue them onto your car. The shape is great (only verrrrry minor cutting for better fit...) and the looks are as good as the originals! Highly recommend them! (but hey... that's just my opinion ;-) ) Greetz from Belgium
  8. Hey 1949P17BC I don't know for sure, but I found my replica rubber door sills (P15 4 door sedan) via eBay. djyaz [at] yahoo [dot] com My original door sill mats were completely rusted and the rubber was cracked. the repro's didn't had the metal part... and I had to glue them directly on my car. But the endresult looked "original"! Good luck
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