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Photo Information

  1. Original File Size 72149
  2. Mime Type image/jpeg
  3. Image Height 255
  4. Image Width 329
  5. Color TRUE
  6. Byte Order Motorola FALSE
  7. Camera Make HP
  8. Camera Model HP Scanjet G3110
  9. X-Resolution 150/1
  10. Y-Resolution 150/1
  11. Resolution Unit 2
  12. YCbCr Positioning co-sited
  13. Exif Version 0220
  14. Date Taken 2011:04:04 18:39:54
  15. Flashpix Version Flashpix Format Version 1.0
  16. Color Space sRGB
  17. Image Width 329
  18. Image Length 255
  19. Saturation Low saturation
  20. Sharpness Soft
  21. EXIF.DeviceSettingDescription ���� 0A0 7A0 8A0HPSI0002�� 11A0 0A0 0A0 0�� 21A0 0A0 0A0 0�� 31A0 0A0 0A0 0�� 32A0 0A0 0A0 0�� 41A0 0A0 0A0 0�� 42A0 0A0 0A0 0�� 43A0 0A0 0A0 0�� 44A0 0A0 0A0 0�� 51A0 0A0 0A0 0�� 61A0 1A0 1A0 0�� 62A0 0A0 0A0 0�� 63A0 0A0 0A0 0�� 64A0 0A0 0A0 0�� 71A0 1A0 1A0 0�� 81A0 4A0 1A0 0�� 82A0 4A0 1A0 0�� 83A0 4A0 1A0 0�� 84A0 4A0 1A0 0��
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