ready for 2016
body off frame restoration
- Album created by Vin's 49 Plymouth
- Updated
- 4 images
- 4 images
Mom and Dad's Plymouths
Photos for the Pulaski Citizen Article
- Album created by kgernert9890
- Updated
- 2 images
- 2 images
White Spyder
1948 Chrysler Windsor Highlander
- Album created by White Spyder
- Updated
- 5 images
- 5 images
Posies springs front 33-34
ordered new springs for my wife's Plymouth.
- Album created by Abe Lugo
- Updated
- 4 images
- 4 images
0123 - stuff related to intakes
Items related to intakes including original vehicles
- Album created by timkingsbury
- Updated
- 14 images
- 14 images
my 218 to 230 build
My original 230 was shot and i used a 218 block and slowly making it a 230 to put back on my 1948 dodge coupe
- Album created by 1948cruiser
- Updated
- 7 images
- 2 image comments
- 7 images
- 2 image comments
228 Engine
Pictures of a 1950 228 Flat Head 6 being tore down
- Album created by Fargone
- Updated
- 8 images
- 1 image comment
- 8 images
- 1 image comment
old betsy
some old photos and pictures of the rebuild
- Album created by Frank's 49
- Updated
- 7 images
- 7 images