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Robin (UK)

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Status Replies posted by Robin (UK)

  1. Hi Robin, thought I would drop by to say hello, need to talk Rag Tops607079494_TopWin.jpg.998fe097ea244539cb1914f682d46dc4.jpg

    1. Robin (UK)

      Robin (UK)

      What's the news, Tom?
      OR what are your questions?

  2. Hi Robin

    Do you have any photos of your Plymouth's vacuum system from the firewall forward?

    I am looking for the correct way to connect a vacuum booster fuel pump to the system


    Hope all is well with you

    Ward Duffield

    Pine Plains, NY

    1. Robin (UK)

      Robin (UK)

      Hi Ward,
      Good to hear from you.
      I hope this picture will help. It was taken a few years ago when I had a George Asche intake on the car.
      My car's at the shop at the moment, so I can't get another for you but, as you can see, there's just a vacuum pipe from the intake that goes straight to the top valve in the dash.
      The piece in the line is the factory non-return valve.
      Best of luck,
      PS  Do you know that Mark Duggan and I have set up a facebook group for P15 Convertible Owners? It'd be great if you could join us on there...


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